". . . it is a true gift to have you as our teacher."
"Khabir is an excellent teacher who has helped me to gain a high level of knowledge regarding Ayurveda. I've taken every Sunday class, and workshop he's provided since we met in Summer 2017, and last year I attended all three of his courses in India. In all the time I've spent with him, I've found his knowledge to be practical, and highly valuable. He's chosen to focus his teachings on that which is relevant to clinical practice of Ayurvedic herbalism. Under his guidance, I've learned a great deal about Ayurvedic fundamentals and theory, which I've been able to apply to my understanding of the human body and of the world. This has been an extremely expansive dimension of growth in my understanding over the last two years. From his diagnostic courses, I've learned to read the pulse, tongue and body to ascertain the state of toxins, and the state of the doshas. This has been highly valuable to my own self-care, and to my ability to care for those around me. From his teachings and guidance on herbalism, I've learned thoroughly about many herbs and traditional formulas of Ayurveda. This is highly impressive, as there is no way I could have learned this much without a teacher.
Regarding Khabir's courses in India, there is an element to his style of teaching which is very intensive, as in we really did need to do the 2 hours of recommended study each evening before we came to class in the morning. I can understand how it would have been less valuable if one was not prepared to deeply delve into studying Ayurveda, as we covered a vastly large amount of material in a short time, which took strong focus and dedication. Personally, I had a transformational learning experience during these courses, and found them to be invaluable in their benefit to my understanding of Ayurveda, the "Science of Life." I plan to continue indefinitely as a student of Khabir, as I know it will ultimately bring me to a place where I'm able to really help people improve their health.
Thank you Khabir, for all the effort and energy you put into sharing the wisdom teachings of Ayurveda; for myself and your other devoted students, it is a true gift to have you as our teacher." Jade Crawford, Ojai, CA April 2019