". . lost 23 pounds since I last saw you."
"I have been following your advise and have lost 23 pounds since I last saw you." Jeff Hoffman, Oak View, CA, January 2013
The attitude of counting calories, pushing yourself in the gym and following radical diets may work for one person, and be entirely unsuitable for another person. Weight gain can be caused by congestion in the liver and colon, emotional eating, poor eating habits, and weak digestion, as well as hormonal imbalances such as menopause or thyroid dysfunctions. I look holistically at each individual to identify and address the root cause of the weight gain and thus address it with holistic treatment. Results come quickly once the true causes are eliminated. Weight-loss Treatment Details
"I have been following your advise and have lost 23 pounds since I last saw you." Jeff Hoffman, Oak View, CA, January 2013
Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.
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Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information. For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com