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It's an honor to be recommended by clients and friends I want to thank each and everyone one of them from the bottom of my heart for their testimonial and referring me to others. 

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A serious IBS case resolved in a couple weeks

I have been working with Kahbir for a couple months on digestive issues which had previously gotten progressively worse over the past twenty years.  After unexpected weight loss, and other awful symptoms, I sought help from Kahbir.

I've seen several specialists over the years, but none zeroed in on what was wrong.  I was malnourished, but thought I was eating a fairly healthy diet; attributing my symptoms to "getting old" !
After my first 90 minute consultation with Kahbir, he helped me realize that I had  an inflamed colon, and gave me a list of foods to eat and how to prepare them, along with herbs and herbal teas which completely turned me around
in the first few days,  My bathroom issues have improved enormously !!
Khabir is a very extraordinary doctor and healer.  He is a great communicator with a wonderful sense of humor.  He keeps track and checks-in with his patients, making it very easy to follow the  individualized  program. 
His knowledge and intuition are off the charts !
I am so blessed to have received Kahbir's help.
Forever grateful,
Susan of Aptos, CA Aril 1st 2024



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick