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 In my experience,  cognitive health problems are often the result of long-term [nutritional] deficiencies and depletion.  However, traditional herbal remedies are the most important treatment for improving conditions of the mind by supporting the nervous system, stimulating the brain and improving circulation.   Results have been remarkable.  Brain & Memory Related Treatments

All Testimonial Categories

"I haven't had migraines or vertigo in months."

"Thanks for all your help. I am already feeling better in the head. I havent had migraines or vertigo in months. You can't imagine how exciting that is for me. And also, others have made remarks to me recently that my mind is super sharp. I'm not sure what they are basing that on, but after being in and out of Fogland for a few years, it is nice to hear."  Bella Donna, Herbalist, Apitherapist, Beekeeper; Rising Fawn, Georgia (Aug. 2019)

"I have my memory [back]. I feel 20 years younger like I got myself back!"

"I was congested, sluggish, constipated, brain fogged and poor memory, sleep deprived due to having to get up all night long to urinate, and I had so many aches and pains throughout my body I was grumpy all the time.   He gave me a complete protocol for what to eat with handouts.   I left Khabir's office that first day, only to come back 3 months later a new woman!   He taught me how to eat.  I love the diet he gave me and it turned out to be so good for me.  My sleep is so good now.  No more getting up all night to urinate.  No more aches and pains.  Lots of energy.  I have my memory.  I feel 20 years younger like I got myself back!  Do yourself a favor and get a consult with Khabir.  You'll be glad you did!"  Marguerite Deselms, Los Angeles CA, March 2019

" At age 79, I am amazed to have clearer thinking and energy..."

" I no longer suffer from brain fog. At age 79, I am amazed to have clearer thinking and energy. I no longer need to take daily naps. In general, my problem solving abilities are improving. I am  more relaxed and focused throughout the day.  I have improved thinking and energy. My digestive system works regularly, like a clock. At age 79, I am grateful for excellent physical and mental health." Marlene Riley, Tucson, AZ, January 2016

" My physical health and memory were restored..."

"Within the first 30 days of my first consultation with Khabir, my physical health and memory were restored. Having knowledge of my body type with the correct food and supplement suggestions has made all the difference in my day to day health and energy." Ceil Nixon, age 71, Clarkston, WA, April 2014

" I was able to walk out of "head fog" and into much CLEARER thinking..."

"Thank you Khabir ... I was able to walk out of "head fog" and into much CLEARER thinking.  Also I did not trigger any health challenges and that was my greatest fear. " Venessa Kay, Live Blood Consultant, Santa Barbara, CA, November 2012 (805) 636-0145



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick