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Chronic fatigue is a symptom

Treatments require a private consultations in Ojai, CA or by Zoom.

Don't just take coffee: Address the causes. 

Fatigue refers to a feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can be temporary or chronic.  A temporary condition can be remedied by adequate rest and proper nutrition.  However, chronic or continuous fatigue (generally referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS) is, however, a serious health condition which requires a comprehensive and long-term plan of treatment.

There are usually compounded reasons and causes for fatigue: Often an individual has "pushed" and worked themselves to the point of exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, which requires the recovery of the adrenal glands and kidneys. Poor eating habits and refined foods such as white sugar, refined cereals, white flour products, and processed foods contribute to poor nutrition and toxicity, thus, mild chronic fatigue can result in time.

Certain mental states like restlessness, nervousness and anxiety can also lead to fatigue over time.  Furthermore, many other health conditions contribute to or have fatigue as a symptom including: anemia, intestinal worms, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, any kind of viral or bacterial infection, liver damage, food allergies, insomnia, parasites and mental tension.  Poisons and toxins resulting from air, soil, and water pollution can also lead to fatigue as they accumulate in the body's systems and organs.

Common contributing factors to chronic fatigue (from the Ayurvedic perspective):

  • Malnutrition due to weak digestive fire (Agni)
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Weak immune system (low Ojas) resulting in infection (such as Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes virus).
  • Excessive heat (Pitta) in the liver
  • Malnutrition such as anemia and vitamin deficiency
  • Accumulation of metabolic waste (toxins, ama) in the muscles (Fibromyalgia)
  • Menopausal hormonal changes
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Excessive colon toxicity
  • Congested liver and gallbladder function
  • Depleted kidneys and adrenal glands (adrenal fatigue)

A thorough assessment is required to understand the cause or causes before treatment can commence.

The Ayurvedic approach

Ayurveda treats every case of chronic fatigue based upon the individual body-type (prakruti/vikruti) imbalance.  The important issue behind most cases of chronic fatigue is systemic congestive toxins (ama).  The toxic buildup impairs the digestive fire (agni), leading to more ama and thus poor nutrition and depletion. The aim of Ayurvedic treatment is to balance the doshas, improve digestion (agni), and eliminate toxic buildup (ama).  When doshic imbalances spread to any tissue (dhatu) and create depletion (vata), inflammation (inflammation) or congestion (kapha) fatigue can result.

Vata type chronic fatigue starts in the colon and generally involves the nervous system (asthi dhatu).   In such a cases, symptoms will include dry skin, ringing in the ears, constipation and bloating.   If the lymphatic system (rasa dhatu) has a Vata imbalance there will be coldness and weakness to the body.  If Vata enters the blood (raka dhatu) the person will feel anemic.  If there is excess Vata in the muscle tissue (mamsa dhatu) there will be spasms, twitching, tremors as well as fatigue.  If vata moves into the fat tissue (meda dhatus) the person will be underweight and weak.  When Vata enters the bones and joints (asthi dhatu) the person will have joint pain, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. When Vata enters the nervous system (asthi dhatu) there will be neurological symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or loss of sensation. Finally, when Vata enters the reproductive system (shukra dhatus) the person will have sexual debility and premature ejaucaltion.

In Pitta chronic fatigue, systemic Pitta is increases, the appetite becomes very strong but digestion is poor due to excess stomach acids. The poor digestion creates toxins (ama) which results in diarrhea, malabsorption and then fatigue.   If there is excess Pitta in the liver the person will often get a viral infection of the liver.  If Pitta enters the muscle tissue (mamsa dhatu) there will be tissue pain and inflammation; referred to as fibromyalgia. When Pitta moves into the fat tissue (meda dhatus) there is profuse sweating and the person can not digest fat. If Pitta enters that nervous system (mejja dhatus) it can also create irritability.

In the case of Kapha type chronic fatigue, there will be dullness, heaviness, and generalizes swelling if Kapha goes into the lymph system (rasa dhatu).   If Kapha enters the fat tissue (meda dhatu) it will result in a fatty degenerative changes to the liver, which will lead to fatigue.  If the kapha enters the nervous system (majja dhatu) the person will be depressed as well as fatigued.

Depending on the doshas and sub-doshas imbalance, as well the tissue(s) and systems affected customized herbal formulas will be provided.

Herbal Medicine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)Treatments 

An individualized protocol to rejuvenate your health!

*These treatments can be provided privately in Ojai 
or remotely by Zoom with herbal remedies mailed to you.*

This program encompassing many aspects of personal self-care and natural detoxification. This is achieved through the traditional Ayurvedic practice of balancing the aggravated doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), sub-doshas and dhatus (different tissues such as lymph, blood, fat, bone, nerves or reproductive organs). Additionally the three malas (eliminating channels) are cleared as are any congested channels (srotaamsi). This approach is based on the understanding that the body will achieve a natural state of health or homeostasis when deficiencies and excesses are balanced. This is not a "canned" package or a list of services, but an holistic individualized approach to rejuvenate the body and mind by utilizing a wide range of health-care practices and methods tailored to your specific needs.

The main components of this program are:

Eat right for your body-type.

Based on Ayurveda, you will learn exactly what grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables will work best for your body and digestive system.  Menu options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks with shopping lists are provided.  You will also learn about the best sleeping schedule, lifestyle habits and more, based on your Ayurvedic body-type (dosha). With the correct eating habits and foods, your digestion will strengthen (good Agni) and only then can the healing process begin.

Address overall health

Herbal teas, tinctures, oils and saves can be used to address specific health issues such as sleep, anxiety, swelling, joint pain, headaches, PMS, menopause symptoms, etc.  Only when the body is health can it heal and recover.  There are many effective herbal formulas and products that can improve memory, circulation, metabolism and thus energy levels.  What is important is to have the right herbal medicine for your individual doshic imbalances and state of health.

Cleanse the GI tract

An Ayurvedic colon cleansing program will improve digestion and elimination as well as avoid autotoxicity; thus provide more energy.

Detoxify and support the liver

A customized Ayurvedic herbal formula and a liver tonic taken daily with a supporting diet will effectively cleanse your liver and improve your ability to eliminate toxins.  Additionally, removing gallbladder stones will increase your bile output and improve digestion of fats.  In any case, these treatments will improve digestion and allow your body to more efficiently process toxins. Note: After a liver detox program, the most common feedback is that people experience more energy.

Rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana)

Additionally, Ayurveda offers a wide range of herbal products and treatment that are designed for rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana).  These therapies generally aid in increasing your natural immunity, enhancing your general wellbeing, improving the functioning of all fundamental organs of the body, and keep the signs of aging at bay.

Rejuvenative herbal tonics are provided to those who are recovering from detoxification treatments, chronic illness, chemotherapy or radiation, weakness and depletion.  Adding whole-food supplements and superfoods is a type of rejuvenation therapy and will provide a rich source of easily absorbable vitamins and minerals. Vegetable juicing can also be an effective nutritional supplement; however, each body-type will do better with different juice formulas.

Overall program benefits:

  • Improves digestion*
  • Removes accumulated waste [toxins]
  • Improves thyroid function
  • Supports healthy adrenal function
  • Improves energy levels in the day and sleep at night.

Treatments require a private consultations (in Ojai CA, San Antonio TX or by Zoom) plus herbal products.

For appointment details see 

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To get started or discus your health issues with Khabir please submit Online Health Assessment.

*Statement has not been reviewed or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and only the view of the author.



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


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