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Infection, high urea, high creatinine levels, swelling and/or high blood pressure results from congestion, inflammation and/or depletion of the kidneys. 

Rejuvenating the kidney is essential for optimum health!

The risks

Kidney Problems Can Be Unnoticeable

A person can have damaged blood vesicles or congestion with blockage in the kidneys without realizing it.   As layer upon layer are formed, kidney stones get larger and larger until they finally produce symptoms. People who are especially at risk are those who take antibiotics for UTI's since antibiotics simply kill bacteria, but do not remove their old residues and mucous strands on which kidney stones form.

Herbal treatments fight infection and clear out congestion to avoid kidney stone accumulation and kidney disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)- The Silent Killer

People suffering from diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and those who are older than 60 years old are more prone to this kidney disease.  Most will have chronic kidney disease for years without realizing it as the early signs can be very subtle and it can take many years to go from chronic kidney disease (CKD) to kidney failure.

Herbal treatments not only help avoid kidney failure later in life but improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and even help stabilize blood sugar levels.  A herbal kidney cleanse is recommend to most individuals with high blood pressure as part of the treatment protocol.

The cause

Poor Circulation Leads to Urinary Tract Toxicity

Many people suffer from poor circulation. When the circulation is poor, usually the more delicate and fine arteries that run through the kidneys are affected first. When circulation to the kidneys decreases, the rate of toxic buildup in the kidneys increases. This in turn eventually leads to kidney stones.

Medications Cause Silent DamageMany medications cause undetectable damage to the kidneys. This includes antibiotics. Over time, these medications can build up and leave toxic accumulations in the urinary tract, and especially in the kidneys.  Other medications that commonly cause damage to the kidneys are given for arthritis pain, headaches, and for other types of inflammation.  (This is a well-known side effect of taking anti inflammatory medication on a regular basis).

Note: Based on my research long-term use of high doses of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) -prescription painkillers, that contain ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®), naproxen (Aleve®), or acetaminophen (Tylenol®), has a harmful effect on kidney tissue and structures, causing shrinkage of blood vessels in the kidneys. Diuretics (urine enhancers) medications may also cause excessive water loss, straining the kidneys.

Additionally, processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients to increase plant's pest resistance, immunity to herbicides, or improve crop yields. Studies have shown that these foods create a state of hepatorenal (liver and kidney) toxicity.

The signs

Toxicity, congestion or dryness in the kidneys and bladder or the supporting pathways can cause one or any combination of the following symptoms:*

Frequent UTI's High blood pressure Gouty arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis Bladder stones Kidney stones
Kidney tumor(s) Cyst on kidney Frequent nighttime urination
Low back pain (sometimes) Difficulty starting urine stream Kidney failure
Incontinence/bedwetting Decreased force of urine stream Urge to urinate more frequently
Foul odor to urine Dark urine Blood in urine
Pain when urinating Bladder pain Inability to urinate
Can only urinate small amount of urine Having to get up at night to urinate Leaking urine when laughing coughing or sneezing
Reddish, pinkish or brownish color to urine Have to strain to eliminate urine Urine stream stops in the middle of urinating
Taking most types of antibiotics (past or current) Kidney damage from medications (past or current) Heavy metal poisoning
Bladder polyps "Bags" under the eyes Problems with water retention

Many degenerative conditions are also the direct result of a body chemistry that is too acidic. Since the kidneys are responsible for regulating the acid-base balance, any problems with kidney function can cause many diseases associated with an overly acidic body chemistry. These include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer of all types, artery disease, skin diseases, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease.*

About Kidney stones

Different stones in the body have different chemical make-ups.  For example, gallstones are primarily formed from cholesterol, bile salts, and proteins. Pancreatic stones are formed from fatty acids, calcium, and proteins.  And kidney stones themselves vary significantly. There are four types:

  • Calcium stones are composed of calcium that is chemically bound to oxalate  (calcium oxalate) or phosphate (calcium phosphate).
  • If the acid level in the urine is high or too much acid is excreted, the uric acid may not dissolve and uric acid stones may form.
  • Infection stones develop when a urinary tract infection alters the chemical balance of the urine causing stones to form from ammonium, magnesium, phosphate.
  • In rare cases, there is a condition that results in large amounts of cystine in the urine, which causes the formation of cystine stones.

A Natural Kidney/Bladder Cleansing Herbal Medicine Treatments

A 7-day individualized herbal protocol with support.

*This program can be provided privately in Ojai or remotely by Zoom with herbal remedies mailed to you.*

The program consists of herbal formulas designed to cleanse away accumulated waste products, toxins and residues in order to restore healthy kidney and urinary tract function.  The program can be extended for those with failing kidneys or rotated with the Liver/Gallbladder Program for best results.

How It Works:

Ayurvedic herbal medicine formulas and teas are provided which are taken throughout the day to dissolve stones and congestion, reduce excess mucous or resolve dryness, and fight infection.  As needed, these herbal products together will provide the following actions:

  • Stimulating to renal tissue
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Soothing to urinary tract tissue
  • Anti-nephrotoxic
  • Antiseptic (infection killing)
  • Diuretic (water removing)
  • Anti-lithic (stone breaking, if needed)

In a case of kidney stones or kidney disease a "short short-term fast with a suitable diuretic herbal tea can effectively remove infection, calcification, uric acid and congestion as well as strengthen kidney function. Note: Diuretic herbs can be stimulating, hyragogue (raising blood pressure such as coffee) and refrigerant (washes out the kidneys).  After the treatment rejuvenating tonic herbs (those that regenerate cells and tissue) with affinity to the urinary system are provided to allow the kidneys to recover and strengthen.

In the case of kidney failure, specific Ayurvedic herbs and recovery protocol can be provided but results are varied and depend on the individual.

Dietary guidelines are also provided to support healthy kidney and bladder function based on your dosha (Ayurvedic body-type) and type of kidney stones if present.

Typical herbal medicine provided:

Ayurvedic Kidney stone formula - 4 oz

Kidney / Bladder Tea - 2 oz

Rencure Formula 2 Bottles (Total 60 Capsules)
Mutrakrichantak Churna 1 Pack (200 Grams)
Punarnava Mandur - 2 Bottles
An Ayurvedic herbal formula known to dissolve kidney stones and improve kidney function. Taken once per day after dinner.

To be taken 3 times during the day to flush and cleanse the kidney-bladder pathway.

Rencuare formula is a combination of herbs described in ancient texts as an effective alternative remedy for kidney failure and making it a useful herbal formulation for renal failure.


  • Beneficial changes in blood pressure*
  • Eliminates excess water from the body*
  • Flushes out kidney stones*
  • Eliminates recurring urinary tract infections
  • Improves overall kidney function

 Therapy requires one private consultations (in Ojai, CA or by Zoom) plus herbal products. 

For appointment details see 

To set an appointment see 

To get started or discus your health issues with Khabir please submit Online Health Assessment. 



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick