7-day course: Principles and the Physiology of Ayurveda
Learn Ayurveda in India
3rd Annual Certified Ayurvedic Consultant Courses - Rishikesh, India, Nov. 6th 26th, 2018
Ayurveda, “Science of Life,” has historical roots in ancient India from thousands of years ago. Still today, the study and practice of Ayurveda is growing and flourishing. To bridge the gap of the Western mind and this ancient Eastern school of thought, we will come together this November in Rishikesh, India for our 3rd annual Ayurveda courses. Taught by Vaidya Khabir Southwick, supported by Dr. Vikram Chauhan of Planet Ayurveda, this is a course for those who wish to develop a deep and thorough fundamental understanding of this ancient science.
By Viadya Khabir supported by Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda) and Dr. Amit Raj.
Held at Maa Yoga Ashram, Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh, India. | Sponsored by Planet Ayurveda, India. |
* No prior training or knowledge of Ayurveda is required.
Presenter and Organizer
Khabir Southwick, Ayurveda Practitioner, is an internationally renowned Ayurvedic health-care practitioner, master herbalist and public educator of natural health-care. About Khabir.
About workshops
These intensive workshops are presented for those who are interested in, studying or actively practicing [clinical] Ayurvedic health-care. Details.
Certificate Course in Ayurveda
Upon the completion of each course a CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT will be provided and after the completion of the first 3 courses a certificate and a AYURVEDIC HEALTH CARE CONSULTANT will be issued by Planet Ayurveda, Khabir Southwick, Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Dr. Amrit Raj in behalf or Maa Yoga Ashram. Details.
Fundamental Principles and the Physiology of Ayurveda
A thorough certified course on the fundamentals and anatomy of Ayurveda. You will develop a good foundation in Ayurveda by understanding the Ayurvedic perspective of the human body, digestion and how it works.
Once we are able to see clearly the fundamental principles of the Ayurvedic system, these principles can be applied to everything.
- Nov. 6th to 12th, 2018
Note: This course should be taken before other courses to understand the tridoshic system, sub doshas, gunas, dhatus (tissues), srotomsi (systems), agni (digestive fire), ojas (immunity and inner strength) and ama (toxins and undigested food) and other essential aspects of Ayurvedic anatomy and functionality of the body according to Ayurveda.
Course objectives:
Develop a good foundation in Ayurveda by understanding the Ayurvedic perspective of the human body: Anatomy and Physiology;
Learn to view the human body, its functions, and imbalances in terms of the doshas (body types), sub-doshas, dhatus (tissues) and srotamsi (systems), waste products (mala), prana (life force), ojas (immunity), etc.
This practical and intensive 7 day course will establish the foundation to proper Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment skills. Ayurvedic therapies are based on Ayurvedic anatomy and energetics so it is essential to learn before proceeding with diagnosis skills, herbology (dravya guna), dietary counseling (ahara chikitsa), panchakarma (5 types of detoxification) and rasayana (rejuvenation or nutritional therapy).
Course Outline:
Part 1: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
- Understanding the 5 elements – Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire) and Prithvi (Earth) and their attributes (gunas).
- Understand clearly the Tri-Dosha theory (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and the 15 Sub Doshas, their locations and qualities.
- Learn how every physical characteristic, mental capacity and the emotional tendency of a human being can, therefore, be explained in terms of the tridoshas.
Part 2: Ayurvedic Anatomy and Energetics
- Learn about the concepts of Prakruti (your original "body type") & your Vikruti (current imbalances)*.
- Understand Agni (digestive fire) - Understating the roles and functions of Agni, the main types of Agni, trikhsa agni (high), visham agni (variable), manda agni (dull), sama agni (balanced), and the subtypes of Agni.
- Learn about Ama (metabolic toxins) and Malas (body's waste products): Understand the three primary malas being Purisa (feces), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat), types and causes of Ama.
- Learn about the 7 Dhatus (body tissues): the Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta (blood) Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu (muscle tissue), Meda (fat) Dhatu, Maija Dhatu (bone marrow tissue and nerves) and Shukra Dhatu (reproductive tissue). Learn how Dhatus form the pillars of the body that form the means of nourishment and growth while providing support to the body as well as the mind.
- Learn about 14 Srotamsi [essential for clinical practice] (channels or systems): 3 channels that revive food, prana (energy) and water; 7 bodily channels which nourish and maintain the body's tissue (dhatu); 3 eliminating channels for feces, urine and sweat; the mano vahya srotas (the channel of the mind).
- Learn about the qualities and functionality of Prana (energy), Tejas (metabolic fire) and Ojas (immunity).
- Understanding the three gunas - Satwa, Rajas and Tamas (states of mind)- and their essential components or energies of the mind.
Part 3: Review and apply knowledge of Ayurveda anatomy
- Each participant will describe their individual:
- Prakruti (original body-mind type) and vikruti (current imbalanced doshas) and sub-dosha imbalances
- State of agni and ama
- State of each dhatu (tissue) and the respective srotamis (channels)
- State of prana, Tejas and Ojas
- State of mind based on the gunas: Satwa, Rajas, Tamas.
* Daily reading material is provided the day before each course from the text book. Sanskrit words that are important in clinical Ayurveda will be thoroughly explained.
"The Ayurveda course [in 2016] was exceptional.
Sanjana, Rajasekaran, Ojai, CA.
"Thanks your Khabir for teaching us in a clear and practical "western" style about such a subtle eastern science"
US$550 for the 7-day workshop
Includes breakfast, dinner, accommodation for 6 nights, certification for 40 hours of study including 25 hours of instruction by Khabir. Price includes a private "cottage" with an attached bathroom, 1 evening dinner on the first day and breakfast on the last day. The course also includes an herbal shopping tour, herbal teas for 7 days, handouts, room cleaning service, lectures by guest speakers, access to Pancha Karma treatments at reduced rates, close-by shopping and musical entertainment some nights.
* Bring extra money for a yoga class in the morning, Pancha Karma treatments, private consultations with Ayurveda doctors, herbal products, indian clothes and gifts. Transportation can be arranged from New Delhi, Chandigarh or Dehradun, India by taxi (6 hours, 5 hours or 1.5 hours respectively). Details.
* Textbook Anatomy and Physiology in Ayurveda is an additional $16 (Amazon price without shipping)
Terms of payment and cancellation
Tours of India and extra days in Rishikesh can be arranged. Ayurvedic treatments like Ayurvedic Massage/abhyanga, Shirodhara, panchakarma (vamana, verecharna, basti, nasya and rakta moksha) and herbal products can be purchased from the sponsors at a discounted rate. *
Does not include:
- Personal travel costs to India and health insurance.
- Cost of Visa (Please apply in advance it is very easy). For just a 30 day one-time visa go here.
- Travel from the airport to Rishikesh but can be arranged for about $120 paid in India.
Payment can be made by cash in the Ojai clinic, Paypal sent to , by an online invoice (please request), or by registering and paying from this page. Register and pay.
Khabir at 805-308-3480 for more information.
Part 4: Detoxification and Purification (Pancha Karma) - Body Work and Steam Therapy (Snehana-Swedhana), Shirodhara (Mind Therapy), Rakta Moksha (Blood Letting), Basti (Enemas), Therapeutic Vomiting (Vamana). Rejuvenation and Tonification Protocols and Treatments.
For a recommended travel agent to purchase tickets call AAKASH TRAVEL at 310-806-2923. They specialize in discounted tickets to India. Shahdeen is aware of this trip and can make recommendations for what flights are best and can book your ticket.
Event Details
Date & Start Time | 11-06-2018 6:00 pm |
End Time & Date | 11-12-2018 1:00 pm |
Capacity | 15 |
Cost(s) | $550 complete |
Location | Maa Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh India |