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The respiratory system is a our source of oxygen which is basically your life-force.  So even minor respiratory blockages indicated by symptoms such as snoring, dry or wet cough, occasional or chronic difficulty breathing, chronic nasal congestion, etc., are reducing our energy levels.  If ignored, more serious respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, respiratory allergies, chronic coughing and even respiratory infections can result.  The good news is that with minor changes in the diet and the correct herbal products most respiratory conditions can be quickly managed.  Respiratory Treatment Details

All Testimonial Categories

"I do like the smokers tea!"

"I do like the smokers tea! Yes, it helps calm my nerves, so yes curbs desire to smoke."  Francesca Hunter,  Santa Barbara CA

" cough soften no pain in my chest and throat . . . . "

"l have been facing multiple health issues over the last few years getting worse and worse I visited him last Saturday due to excruciating pains in various places in my body due to arthritis and a severe cough with non stop he asked his assistance to make me a special tea which l was sipping as directed while continuing with our consultation cough soften no pain in my chest and throat like it was put a protective shield

Have been taking the teas now for six days and every day is better than the day before I SLEEP well like a bird, no more frequent night visits to the bathroom, (was going between 6-8), now Only one, almost pain FREE plus my toes look do much Healthier and Happy as l ever show them for almost a decade with an oil application he gave me MANY THANKS and Blessings to You Dr.Khabir for helping me on my Healing Journey."   Matina Tsolomiti-Snyder, San Antonio TX, Oct. 15th, 2022

"Lung congestion is treated with Khabir's amazing teas.."

"I have been seeking advice from Khabir since 2014. I highly respect his advise, knowledge and experience. He has helped with numerous problems over the years. The most recent was a bleeding ulcer & sinus/lung congestion and with just a few adjustments and his amazing teas, I already have relief within a few days. Best Herbalist I've know! Thanks Khabir!"

- Linda Blankemeyer from SoCal Superior Properties Inc on May 24th 2021

"my allergies are almost gone!"

"Health issues resolved!  I had been suffering from swelling in my body due to thyroid and severe allergies for years.  I lost hope in resolving these health issues on top of that my allergy and sinus was getting worse due to cold weather.  My first appointment was in-depth. Every herbal [product] he recommended started working since day one.  Swelling has gone down and my allergies are almost gone! I highly recommend Khabir!"  Naila Khan, Daly City, CA. Jan 9th 2021

" I felt a difference within the first couple of weeks "

"I’ve had extreme lung concerns since growing up in the South with DDT sprayed daily for years in the cotton fields surrounding our family home. I gave up on Western medicine long ago. All the doctors here want to do is, as is so often stated, ‘treat the symptom, not the cause’… Inhalers, steroids, and more steroids.

When I came to Khabir I could barely breathe. After only a month of taking his magical herbs and teas, I am finally seeing the light. He was direct in telling me that my condition is not an immediate fix and may take longer than usual. But I count small steps forward a good direction. I felt a difference within the first couple of weeks and am getting stronger and breathing better every day. Can’t wait to see where I am in 6 months!"  Anne Day, Los Angeles, CA

"I haven't had to use my inhaler . . ."

"There's been a big reduction in my coughing and mucus production.  I hardly cough at all after my evening meal and that was always a huge problem.  My husband has commented on how much clearer my lungs seem to be.  I haven't had to use my inhaler since I started this new diet and prior to that I had been using it a lot so that's a huge blessing." Carol Hopkins, Carson, WA March, 2020

" now know how to . . . eliminate my post nasal drip"

"Khabir Southwick is a fountain of knowledge and health in all things Ayurveda. Convinced by family members and western medical professionals that my post nasal drip was simply always going to be, I was desperate to really change my inner environment and get better. With Khabir's herbs and especially his dietary recommendations, I now know how to lessen and sometimes eliminate my post nasal drip."  Marilyn Lauer, San Francisco, CA, April 2019

"I was on several allergy medications for years, and now have been able to get off all of them."

"I was on several allergy medications for years, and now have been able to get off all of them. I just have a delicious cup or two of tea mixed with honey as soon as the sneezing/coughing/choking comes, and I get back to my life. During a cold and after, this mix will cut the postnasal drip off - no more coughing for weeks after the virus has passed! Seasonal allergies are the worst, but I just stay with the tea throughout the day and I am completely functional again. Thank you Khabir!"  Sara Median, April 2019

"After . . .trying various allergy medications for 45 years . . .it is gone"

"After going to my doctor and trying various allergy medications for 45 years, I stumbled upon Khabir's Facebook add.  After 5 weeks of diet change and Herbs, it was 99% gone.  2 years later- it has not returned- it is gone!"  Stephen Foster, Ventura, CA, April 2019

"(His) allergies were out of control and it completely cleared his symptoms."

"I gave the allergy tea to a friend of mine and he said it helped so much after a recent wind storm when his allergies were out of control and it completely cleared his symptoms." Liz, Santa Barbara. 

"He gave me a tea to drink which instantly relieved my congestion."

"I was congested, sluggish, constipated, brain fogged and poor memory, sleep deprived due to having to get up all night long to urinate, and I had so many aches and pains throughout my body I was grumpy all the time.   He gave me a tea to drink which instantly relieved my congestion.  I left Khabir's office that first day, only to come back 3 months later a new woman!  Khabir's consultation and herbs were what I needed to lose the weight, get my energy and body back, and have a life again!  He taught me how to eat.  I love the diet he gave me and it turned out to be so good for me.   No more getting up all night to urinate.  No more aches and pains.  Lots of energy.  I have my memory.  I feel 20 years younger like I got myself back!  Do yourself a favor and get a consult with Khabir.  You'll be glad you did!"  Marguerite Deselms, Los Angeles CA, March 2019

" They are being eliminated one by one: respiratory, inflammation.."

"you have been right on the diagnosis and treatment for me and my mother-in-law. By finding the root cause of our ailments treating them with the herbs and diet they are being eliminated one by one: , respiratory, inflammation, diabetes, High blood pressure--We are both eternally grateful!" Stephen Foster, Aug 2018

"The lung formula is magic! ..."

"The lung formula is magic! Didn't have to take my inhaler. Good work!" Robert Linson, El Dorado, CA, June 2017

" I humbly say to follow what Khabir prescribes 100% and may you get 100% relief, as well "

"Ghee and honey have helped my dry joints and dry lung cough 100%, along with allergy powder and diet change -- so good!  I humbly say to follow what Khabir prescribes 100% and may you get 100% relief, as well." Steve Foster, Ventura CA, May 2017 (via Facebook)

"...week later I came off the other allergy medications."

"The recent rain and low clouds in Ventura put a great deal of mold in the air, a concentration of which I walked through a couple weeks ago and began having the worst allergy attack of my life. This went on for 4 days until I finally saw the doctor, who one day gave me an inhaler (which didn't help) . . .  Even on 3 different allergy medications and the steroid, I was still having an allergic reaction every few hours when the antihistamines would start to wear off. The doctor told me I would have to start wearing a mask outside - and to stop going outside whenever possible!  At our visit Khabir made me a strong tea and I was able to get some immediate relief, however even he could see my symptoms returned within an hour. It was decided that I would start a lung tonic and sip it throughout the day, along with an organic honey. Within a day I felt considerably better, and week later I came off the other allergy medications.  This lung tonic has made a huge difference in my life ... and I am committed to staying on it because it has brought such relief!  Thank you Khabir for taking the time to customize my mixes and pay attention my individual needs!" Sara Medina, Ventura, CA, March 2017



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick