Toxic and tired to motivated and! confident!
"After a crazy adolescence, I was left in a state of extreme toxicity due to substance abuse. The effects of this extended to my digestion, absorption, energy (the lack of), as well as skin issues and headaches. I hadn't quite connected the dots until I went to see Khabir. I came into his space feeling like I usually do, spacy, tired, bloated, a little bit moody. With his complete certainty that I will be able to regain my energy, drop the extra weight I've put on, and feel much better in general with the help of his herbs and the dietary therapy of Ayurveda, I left his office with a huge smile on my face. For the first time in a very long time, I feel motivated and completely confident that I'm working towards my best health, and supporting detoxification. I'd highly recommend his services to anyone." Jade Bliss, Ventura, CA, June 2017