Ayurvedic Health Assessment Form
For all new and prospective clients
Click here: Complete Health Assessment Form
This comprehensive health assessment form allows Khabir to prepare for and review your case in detail before your appointment. This process saves time and leads to a more comprehensive diagnosis.
After you complete this form schedule your appointment
OR call Khabir @ 805-858-9222 to discuss your case. (If you cannot complete this form on-line, it can be mailed to you or completed in the clinic before your appointment.)
To discuss your case after completing a form call or text Khabir at: 1-888-611-0878
Clinic Availability
The California or Texas clinic is available when Khabir in at the clinic, however, mostly he is in Texas most of the time and returning regularly to his Ojai CA Clinic of almost 15 years. The online schedule will only allow bookings in California, Texas or Zoom at the days and times Khabir is available. See his schedule and availability.
Clinic work days and times
Appointments are generally scheduled Monday through Thursday between 10:00am to 5:00pm and half day Saturday with availability on weekends and evenings upon request.
Remote Appointment
Khabir uses only Zoom and sometimes Skype but not FaceTime or other platforms. Khabir will send the Zoom link when he is ready not days or hours before. Sometimes he is behind schedule, so dont worry and just contact customer support by email to text to 805-858-9222 if you are concerned.
Family Consultations
Many families find they share the same health challenges and/or wish to implement lifestyle changes as a family instead of restricting healthy changes to a single member of the family. I am happy to consult with families and couples together. Bring your partner or family member to support you!
Payment Policy
Payment for services is required at the time of appointment for office clients or in advance for remote clients on Zoom. Detailed receipts will be provided by email for all services and products purchased.
Visa, MasterCard and Amex are accepted. PayPal is also accepted. Checks should be payable to Khabir Southwick.
Cancellation Policy
The is no charge for fee for canceling your appointment. However, the sooner we know the better.
Teas, herbal formulas, supplements, spices, oils and other products are not included in consulting fees or programs unless specifically stated. We use the highest quality, ethically wildcrafted, pure, and organic herbs in our herbal preparations. * Herbal product costs: Generally, $17.5 for a 2 oz jar; $27 for a 4 oz jar; and $38 for a 6 oz glass jar of powdered herbs; $17.5 or $22 for a 2.5 oz or 3.0 oz bag of loose herbal tea blends; and $17 for 4 oz of herbal oils. Prices are sometimes adjusted based on the cost of the ingredients not the weight. (Herbal products may be shipped in plastic bags instead of glass jars.)
We do not bill insurance directly, but we will prepare a detailed bill which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, if your insurance covers naturopathic or nutritional therapy visits. We do not bill Medicare.