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Get a good night's sleep

A restful sleep gives your body the time it needs to regenerate. Specific hormones are released while sleeping that repair the body, and ensure proper growth of children. A good night's sleep is a factor in staying healthy and helping the body fight infections.

A lack of sleep can make us distracted, irritable, and shorten our response time in emergencies. Different people need different amounts of sleep to be rested; make sure you pay attention to your body's signals to see if you are getting enough. If you ignore your natural rhythm your body will make more adrenalin which could make it difficult to sleep.

If you think you need help in getting to sleep, try to avoid prescription sleep medications that can have serious side effects, such as night-eating and walking. They can also be addictive if your body comes to depend upon them. There are herbs such as Passionflower, Hops, or Valerian, to name a few.  Try eating foods high in calcium and magnesium or take a supplement. Don't use your bed for reading or watching TV if you are having trouble sleeping. Only go to your bed when you intend to sleep. Consult your health professional and ask about other ways to help, such as bio-feedback. 

Besides sleep, find a way to slow down your life and enjoy friends and family. Put yourself in nature. Laugh. Hug someone. Turn off your electronic devices. Discover the ways to your peace and you will have an essential element in creating a road to health.



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


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