Have a healthy frame of mind
The body-mind connection has been a topic of discussion since Plato. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. A healthy body can positively react to an injury by the brain sending a message to repair the damage. A depleted body will not be able to react in such a way.
Stress may give us trouble sleeping and eating; blood pressure can climb. Adrenaline floods the blood stream as part of our "fight or flight" response and muscles throughout the body tense. Immediate effects can range from a short temper to difficulty sleeping; long-term effects can be even more dangerous.
Having a healthy mental attitude toward life and having good problem-solving and communication skills helps to deal with whatever arises in your life. Prepare yourself since it is a known fact that life will present you opportunities to use these skills.
Those who have had a change in their health may find it helpful to look at ways to help deal with stress. If you do not already have such a tool here are some ideas:
- Forms of exercise that address the whole-body, like yoga, Pilates, or Aikido can offer a natural way to release tension in the body and produce a state of relaxation.
- Check out what you are eating. Foods high in magnesium, such as apricots and spinach, act as a stress reducer and muscle relaxant. A study from Diabetes & Metabolism found that omega-3s keep the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline from peaking. A German study in Psycho-pharmacology found that vitamin C helps reduce stress and return blood pressure and cortisol to normal levels after a stressful situation.
- There are many forms of meditation; explore these to see if one works for you. Establishing a regular time to meditate can, over time and practice, be a great way to calm and center you.
- Go to nature and enjoy the beauty.
- Take an art class or join a drum circle.
- Find a non-profit and volunteer your services; it will help to learn to think of others.
- Seek professional counseling or therapy to help you look at your problem-solving and communication skills, life choices, habits, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
- Get out your holy book and/or see your spiritual guide.
- Do all of these things on a regular basis and don't wait until you are stressed out.