Pitta Kitchari Cleanse:
If you have a Pitta constitution or a strong Pitta imbalance, then you will want to make sure your cleanse will be calming to Pitta and the sharp qualities it possesses.
Indications for a Pitta Kitchari Cleanse:
- Loose stools or diarrhea
- Hyperacidity or chronic heartburn
- Hyper-metabolism
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Inflammation
- Excessive anger, criticism, judgement
- Skin issues such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or rash
- Liver, gallbladder or spleen issues
- Excessive heat in the body or blood
- Yellow, orange or reddish coating on tongue
Since Pitta is hot, sharp and penetrating by nature, it is very important to make sure the cleanse is cooling and calming for these intense individuals. Although kitchari should be the highlight of the mono-diet, it may be beneficial for Pitta-types to add cooling ingredients such as lime, cilantro and ghee. This will help to keep Pitta balanced during the cleanse without increasing the heat and inflammation further. In terms of length for the Kitchari Cleanse, Pitta-types typically do best with a moderate length ranging from 5-7 days. Excessive cleansing can lead to over-active digestion, loose stools, malabsorption of nutrients and depletion.