Go food shopping together – Shop only in health food stores so their choices will be safe. Make them as part of your shopping, bring them along, and let them chose their favorite leafy, green, and yellow vegetables and fruits. The more colorful foods mean more nutrients intake.Talk about future meals together.
Get creative in the kitchen – Cut the food nicely with their help, not them cutting the food but assisting you, and let them make some suggestions like putting on cheese, adding yogurt, adding olives, etc.
Only have in the house healthy foods, period – If healthy food is all they see and the only choices have, they will start picking the ones they like. Let children have different favorites, variations, and combinations, and don't think that every child needs to eat the same thing. Give them two or three healthy choices.
Teach them how much animals love vegetables – Gorillas eat half their body weight in greens per day and don't forget the herbivore dinosaurs they ate whole trees!
Educate don't dictate food advice – Let them know that not all parents teach this stuff to their children and they are lucky and they can teach their children. Teach the knowledge like wisdom not a bunch of rules.
Be flexible and let them eat it the way they want – On bread, with butter, with their hands, mixed together, etc. who cares? It's all good food and he or she is eating it which is what is important.
Offer a nibble tray –Toddlers like to graze their way through a variety of foods, so why not offer them a customized smorgasbord? Use an ice-cube tray, a muffin tin, or a compartmentalized dish, and put bite-size portions of colorful and nutritious foods in each section.
Dip it.Spread it.Top it – Young children think that immersing foods in a tasty dip is pure fun (and delightfully messy). Cottage cheese, fruit juice-sweetened preserves, guacamole, nut butters, pureed fruits or vegetables, yogurt dip, etc.
Spread it –Toddlers like spreading, or more accurately, smearing. Show them how to use a table knife to spread cheese, peanut butter, and fruit concentrate onto crackers, toast, or rice cakes.
Vegetable tricks – Serve veggies first. Steam your greens. Use vegetables as finger foods and dip them in a favorite sauce or dip. Camouflage vegetables with a favorite sauce.
Plant a garden with your child. Let them cook.
Use a child-sized table and chair where their feet touch the ground.
Relax. Don't be too rigid.
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Reward with attention and complements – Don't reward with cookies or chocolate if they did something good. You are supporting poor eating habits in this way. Praise them for their smart choices and healthy eating habits.
Don't be a restaurant for your child – Give them some choices and take into consideration their digestive type and even state of health but don't go down the slippery slope of preparing whatever the child wants.
Don't let your child do the shopping – Your child is supposed to be learning from you not telling you what to do!
Reward smartly – A sweet gesture is enough to reward your kid. Give them a sweet smile, big hug, or pat on the shoulder. This develops a sense of esteem and confidence in them.
Call or text 805-858-9222 for more information. For general inquires: email info @ KhabirsClinic .com
The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor. Complete Disclaimer.Privacy & Covid19 policy.
Elissa Kerhauls, Encinco, CA.
" Khabir is a very knowledgeable master herbalist and ayurvedic guide but is also a genuinely caring person. Highly recommended ". "
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Elizabeth Lepe, Port Hueneme CA
"He is the real deal."
Erica Gordon
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"Khabir Southwick is [one of the] best herbalist outside of India."
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"Call him without any hesitation. He works for our good health."
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"Do yourself a favor and get a consult with Khabir. You'll be glad you did!"