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Men: Night-time Bathroom Visits Keeping You Up? It May Be Your Prostate

Fellows, are you getting up more than a couple of times a night to pee?

Having difficulty getting the flow started (hesitancy), or feel like your bladder isn't emptying completely?

These are common signs of an enlarged prostate and are often associated with age, due to a hormone imbalance. 

To help ease the symptoms of frequent night-time urination, Western herbs such as Saw Palmetto, Nettle (root), Sarsaparilla, and Dong Quai have traditionally been used to reduce enlarged prostate. 

Ayurveda has specific types of treatments depending on the symptoms and doshic imbalances.  The vata type will have more pain and scanty urine, while the pitta type will have burning sensation and even an infection, while the kapha type will have more swelling, etc.  The Ayurvedic approach uses both powdered herbs and teas in combination making the treatment more effective especially for advanced cases. 

The diet needs to be adjusted to the individual with the the intent of balancing the doshas and managing inflammation.  Nutrients including zinc and omega-3 fish oils will also help keep your prostate healthy. 

See Male health for details. 



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