As a child, were you ever given a slice of raw Licorice root to chew on, instead of candy? This is because Licorice root contains a compound that is about 50 times sweeter than sugar – a property which comes in very handy for helping to 'disguise' other less favorable flavors in a given remedy!
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a wonderful herb that has been used as both food and medicine for thousands of years. It is highly valued for its soothing action upon mucous membranes, and has traditionally been used for coughs and asthma. It can help rid your lungs of phlegm and mucous build-up.
Licorice is also widely used for peptic (stomach and duodenal) ulcers. It regulates (improves) the quality and quantity of protective mucous that is produced in the stomach. If the stomach lining is not sufficiently protected, it can be damaged by the acidic nature of the stomach contents. Licorice also inhibits the bacteria associated with most ulcers.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Licorice (albeit a slightly different species than western Licorice) is considered "The Great Harmonizer." It synergizes all of the herbs in a given formula and promotes their even distribution into the 12 major meridians.
Licorice – Nature's "sweet treat"!