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Hibiscus, Flower of Health & Beauty – and Lowers High Blood Pressure

Renowned for its beauty and association with tropical paradise, Hibiscus flowers are also the primary ingredient in many herbal teas. They've traditionally been used to help reduce fevers and for their mild diuretic and laxative properties, and a recent study has shown that Hibiscus tea may also help to lower blood pressure. (3 cups a day)

The leaves and flowers of Hibiscus are widely used for their skin-softening properties. They can also be ground into a fine powder and mixed with a little water to make a shampoo 'paste.' In India, the flowers are included in medicated hair oil preparations for preventing hair loss and graying.

Try adding some dried Hibiscus flowers to your tea blends to impart a lovely ruby color and a refreshing tartness – tastes great with mint and rose hips!



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