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Natural Living Services

Home Consulting & Health Food Store Tours

These services are some of the most cost effective, simple and even fun ways to improve your diet and ultimately your overall health!  I highly recommend these services for all my clients and especially for those who need assistance changing old eating habits, shopping in health food stores and cooking wholesome meals.

Natural Kitchen Consultation*

Make your kitchen a nutritional powerhouse for you and your family.  I will guide you through your fridge and cupboards to identify unhealthy and often toxic ingredients and substances.  For example, processed foods require careful inspection and often “healthy foods” have little nutritional value with little or no protein.  Other substances such as the hydrogenated oils, sweeteners and some forms of sugars are often hidden toxins that you and your family may be consuming each day.


Health Food Store Tour

For this service, I will help you resupply your kitchen with healthy and whole foods specifically for you and your family’s nutritional needs based on each person's body-type (Ayurveda Dosha).  This service is fun and interesting so bring a friend and other family members.  You will learn about new healthy products, how to carefully read nutritional labels and ingredients and how to squeeze the nutritional worth from your grocery dollars.

Subject options: Using superfoods, vegetarian meal planning, recommended supplements, useful spices, therapeutic teas and tinctures, choosing gains and legumes, natural cleaning products, health choices for children, and more.

Costs: $175 for an individual or a private group up to 10 persons with no travel fee at select health foods stores: Wholefoods in Oxnard, Lassens in Ventura, Rainbow Bridge in Ojai, Wholefoods or Lazy Acres in Santa Barbara or Lassens in Goleta.

Home Cooking and Juicing Classes*

Discover exciting menu ideas based on foods that are balancing for you and your family.  Learn about different time saving cooking appliances such as a rice cooker, steamer and pressure cooker.  Learn how to make homemade sauces, dressings, curries and more. Learn to prepare both fruit and vegetable juices with therapeutic foods.

Costs: Considered one consultation pull travel costs.  Service is often provided by an associate chef. 

Fees & Payment Options


If you would like to know my views about your health and your options, please submit my secure Online Health Assessment Form

For details see: Fees & Online Health Assessment Forms.

* Services may be provided by an associate

Feedback from past tours and talk in local Health Food Stores:

"Khabir was so knowledgeable with a great sense of humor. It really makes a difference learning from such an expert. Looking forward to more workshops with Khabir." Jody Nelson, Santa Barbara

Special thanks to Khabir for donating his time and sharing his expertise in the area of Superfoods in a comfortable digestible format. Khabir demonstrated that his love of his life’s work is truly visible by his effortless enthusiasms, personal one-on-one discussions as well as his genuine interest by incorporating the healthier Superfood choices currently available. Sandy, Santa Barbara

Khabir, I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar [on superfoods, May 25th at WholeFoods Market, Santa Barbara], and learned so much. I appreciate your time and experience that you have brought to this meeting. Everyone was obviously as interested as I was, and Rae, thanks for organizing! I look forward to learning more from Khabir!! He really is a nice person, and cares about improving people's health. Ginny W. Santa Barbara

I enjoyed learning so much about superfoods! Khabir knows his stuff and knows that each person has different needs on the path to health. Robin, Santa Barbara


Khabir Southwick is available for [face-to-face] consultations in Ojai California, Bulverde Texas or remotely by Zoom worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 805-858-9222 for more information.  For general inquires: email info @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick